
Monday, March 14, 2011


Why the fuck is there so many haters about what's happening in Japan now? I mean, American fags seem to be happy about it, seeking from some revenge about Pearl Harbor, but, hmm, WHAT? Pearl Harbor, are you retarded guys serious about it? It has nothing to do about what's going on there : hundred of thousands of people  having their lifes ruined by a natural disaster and some people are arguing about their grand parents being killed or whatever. Blabla, just shut up seriously.

In the meantime in Lybia Khadafi's still killing his people by thousands. Guess we'll have to wait before the revolution is over to send some help there. Not that I care about Lybians anyway.

Same thing going in Côte d'Ivoire where that retarded Gbagbo monkey doesn't want to leave his country.

Unrelated video, Borat style dancing cat.

You smile you lose.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It really disgusts me how so many people find this some sort of revenge.

  3. Just remember that not all Americans are like the ones stereotyped in the first picture. True we have some dumb bigots, but so does every country.

    Also, a friendly FYI, your blogger profile is set to discreet, it was through sheer luck that I found it. If you'd like more people to follow you, you might want to consider making your profile public.

    Cheers :D

  4. I didn't lose :3

    also, america sucks....I was planing on going to japan in a year D:

  5. Those comments about Pearl Harbour made me sick.
    Although, things like "these fucking japs are just scamming us... I just checked google streetview and everythings fine" are definitely trolls.

  6. Haha that cat just made my day, thanks!

  7. I don't believe all americans are like those facebook retards

  8. On a lighter note, Africans are the only race capable of popping their eyes out of their sockets!


  9. Love the cat video at the end! Great ending! :D keep up the good work!

  10. People like the ones in your first picture about Japan are what is giving America bad rep.

  11. Gadhafi looks angry in every picture i see of him.

  12. smiled.. not at the movie but the post . followed .

  13. japan's clearly a cover up godzilla attack.

  14. shit im so embarrassed that there are people like that in the fucking world. and i live in fucking redneck northern maine, where this is normal shit to hear.

  15. loool Khadafi looks like Michael Jackson on this pic :D followd

  16. I guess you can't help all this stuff :( <3 following +1

  17. LOL I read your post and I was like why the hell did he put a picture of Alan Rickman in there. I did laugh at the video...

  18. Americunts fail so badl. Have they ever heard Hiroshima or Nagasaki, where those fuckers dropped few A-bombs.

  19. I really, really, really don't know how to react to this. Payback for Pearl Harbour? Are we kidding?

  20. deep post, but the borat cat made me lol. you win

  21. Hahahah cats are funny. Following

  22. lul at the cats. But i hate people saying that Japan deserved it. No they didn't.

  23. The thing that annoys me, is how they say it's about Pearl Harbor, BUT, what about the Atom Bomb.
